The necessary theoretical basis and experimental data are given in this paper for the further research and design of the adjustable curtain wall cooling equipment. 并为今后可调式水幕冷却装置的研究和设计提供了必要的理论依据和实验数据。
Approach the Flow Regularity of Curtain Wall Cooling Equipment 水幕冷却装置水流流动规律的探讨
Also it is given that the general principle is necessary theoretical basis for the research and design of the curtain wall cooling equipment. 较系统地提出了水幕装置设计的一般原则,为今后各种水幕装置的研制和设计提供了必要的理论分析依据。
Analysis about Influence of the Thermal Characteristics Parameter of the Glass Curtain Wall to Cooling Load of Air-conditioning of Certain Office Building In Wenzhou 温州某办公大楼玻璃幕墙热工性能参数对空调冷负荷的影响